Monday, October 02, 2006


This is a good day to tell you all about the trailer we got to stay in this week. Our friends were working on their house, and their FEMA trailer was sitting empty, so they let us stay in it this week.
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What a blessing that was, it saved us a lot of money, and we were near WalMart and right in Ocean Springs, so we didn't have far to go to visit with our friends.
We also visited our dear sweet 90 year old friend Georgia. She is still as spry and sharp as always. She was busy in her yard, tidying up. She is a sweetheart and we love her to death..

We also went back and said goodbye to Herb and Lois, and of course Annabelle.. they are all so sweet, and their pup is as wide as she is long, and full of love!!
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And of COURSE Herb helped us Northern Girls find an alligator!!
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